Saturday, February 21, 2015

Bioware Fanart

Sketches and works-in-progress from mid-2014 through February 2015. 

I often gain inspiration from playing video games, especially those made by Bioware. I discovered this studio back when they released the first Knights of the Old Republic RPG, fell head over heels in love with the Mass Effect trilogy, and having just finished the latest in their Dragon Age series, I am a certified Bioware fangirl for life. Their stories are rich and gripping, the characters draw you in and make you love (or hate) them, and the world-building is just incredible. I hope to complete a finished piece from my many sketches this year, as my way of thanking Bioware for their excellent work.

Mage design inspired from playing the Dragon Age games
Fenris - A companion character from Dragon Age 2
Digital Sketch of my first Inquisitor from DA:I
WIP for a DA:I-style tarot illustration of my second Inquisitor
Rough digital sketch inspired by religious imagery seen within DA:I
Concept for an alternate Orlesian ball outfit for a female elven Inquisitor