Wednesday, September 10, 2014

World Building with S.A.M. – Fall 2013

In Fall 2013 I took an online seminar with the very talented illustrator Sean Andrew Murray. The class was focused on "world building." We were to take a world we invented and visualize its geography, flora, fauna, inhabitants, means of transportation, scenes from daily life, etc. At the time I was very rusty with digital painting, so my execution of the artwork isn't my best, but I really enjoyed the exercises of giving visual life to my ideas.

My invented world is for a futuristic story I've had bouncing around my head for several months, and for this seminar I chose to flesh out the "opening scenes" world called Vigil.

I might show some of the finished work at a later point, but for now here are some of the process stages I enjoy the most.

Thumbnails for landmarks and geography for the settled verdant areas of the planet Vigil.

Flying and Swimming Fauna concepts. The bird creature on the right did not make the final cut.
Mammal fauna concepts - a rabbit-sized rodent and a giant flying "wolf" bat.
A small crop of the "final" scene featuring my flora/fauna concepts. This bit features a predatory creature and the rodent.
Concepts for Vigil's female elite / leaders
Concepts for Vigil's male elite / leaders

Concepts for Vigil's middle class / merchants

Concepts for Vigil's security forces

 If you'd like to check out the other students' work from this seminar, check out

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

"Guardian" Creature Concept

I took a sketch from this summer that I enjoyed and scanned it into Photoshop where I digitally inked and colored it. This one was for fun and practice; mostly an exercise to get used to my tablet again. I imagine this guy being the size of a house and living deep in an old-growth forest. Friendly if you play nice.

2013 - 2014 Sketches and Paintings

Assorted sketches, personal work, and figure studies from late 2013 up to summer 2014.

Bernini angel from Ponte Sant'Angelo, Rome, Italy (16" x 20" oil on canvas)

Pencil or charcoal in Moleskin sketchook or on newsprint

Charcoal on newsprint

Series of four 3"x3" paintings, Oil on canvas

Friday, April 25, 2014

Character Concept Art: From Initial Sketch to Final Design - Skillshare assignment #1

Thumbnail assignment for Charlie Bowater's Skillshare class.

I am developing the main character for a personal project, who is a young woman with incredible powers of memory. The setting is a future where humans have advanced in science and technology, other planets have been colonized, and new cultures have emerged as a result. This protagonist makes her way by traveling around and between worlds, learning and collecting information for personal and business reasons. She has learned to adapt to the eclectic situations she encounters, and so usually keeps a neutral appearance with flexibility to "accessorize" as necessary. She walks a fine line between the adventurous nature of her way of making a living, and her cautious personality.

My first thumbnails were an attempt to get her basic form down; her "neutral" state. A few show variations on mission-specific appearance. So while I love #7, the more accurate designs include 5, 12, 13, 14, and 17. Next assignment is to pick a few of the best, clean them up a bit, and add more detail.

Hello Internet!

This blog will act as a place for me to upload personal artwork, sketches, and creativity-related musings. A website dedicated to my portfolio is in the works for later this year.

For anyone who happens to stumble upon this humble little art blog, welcome!

For anyone curious, I came up with the name "Odyssium" to describe "a place where adventures / journeys happen." Think the word "odyssey" adapted into a word like "auditorium" or "gymnasium," that describe locations where certain activities occur. It's pronounced oh-dis-ee-um.